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A Beginner's Guide to Building a Murphy Bed Cabinet

A Beginner's Guide to Building a Murphy Bed Cabinet

How to Build a Murphy Bed Cabinet: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you want to reduce space in your house while offering visitors a pleasant resting spot? A Murphy bed cabinet might be your ideal option. When not in use, this bed style folds into a cabinet, freeing up floor space and adding a clean and modern aspect to your home.

Building a Murphy bed cabinet may appear daunting, but it can be a rewarding and pleasurable experience with the right tools and instructions. Not only will you save money by making it yourself, but you will also be able to tailor it to your specific needs and design preferences.

This article will walk you through building a Murphy bed cabinet and the necessary supplies and tools. We will also provide suggestions and solutions to make the process easier and more efficient.
By the end of this article, you will have gained all of the necessary information and confidence to construct your Murphy bed cabinet and create a practical and aesthetic space in your house.

Materials and Tools

Gather the essential supplies and equipment before constructing your Murphy bed cabinet. The following are the products that you will need:

Materials: Tools:
- 3/4-inch plywood - Circular saw
- 1x2 lumber - Drill
- Wood glue - Jigsaw
- Wood screws - Screwdriver
- Piano hinge - Measuring tape
- Cabinet knobs - Level
- Sandpaper - Clamps
- Paint or stain - Safety glasses

To minimize delays or trips to the hardware shop, ensure you have all the supplies and tools before you begin construction. Consider getting a Murphy bed hardware kit containing all the required hardware to safely and securely attach the bed to the cabinet.

Use high-quality plywood and timber free of knots and other flaws when selecting materials. Consider using hardwood such as oak or maple for a more sturdy and long-lasting cabinet.

Proper equipment guarantees that your Murphy bed cabinet is built appropriately and safely. Use a circular saw with a sharp blade to make clean, straight cuts in the plywood and timber. Curves and other complicated forms may be cut using a jigsaw. Always wear safety eyewear and clamps to hold the wood while cutting when using power tools.

Section 3: Planning and Measuring

Before you start building a Murphy bed cabinet, you need carefully plan and measure to ensure that the end product will fit your space and suit your needs. Here are some important actions to take:

Step 1: Determine Your Space and Needs

The first step in arranging your Murphy bed cabinet is deciding where you want it to go and what you want it to do. Consider the following factors:

  • The size of the room
  • The available wall space
  • Your storage needs
  • Your budget

Step 2: Take Accurate Measurements

Once you've determined your area and requirements, it's time to take precise measurements. Here are some pointers to get you started:

  • Measure the height, breadth, and depth of the area where you wish to install your Murphy bed cabinet with a tape measure.
  • To verify that your cabinet will fit, measure the height of your ceiling.
  • Consider any obstructions that may impact the positioning of your cabinet, such as windows, doors, or light fixtures.

    Step 3: Create a Plan

    With your measurements in hand, it's time to create a plan for your Murphy bed cabinet. Here are some things to consider:

    • What type of bed do you want to use? A twin, full, or queen-sized bed?
    • What type of storage do you need? Shelves, drawers, or hanging space?
    • What type of materials do you want to use? Wood or metal?
    • What type of finish do you want? Painted or stained?

    You can guarantee that your Murphy bed cabinet fits exactly in your area and satisfies all of your demands by following these steps and carefully planning and measuring.

    Building the Cabinet Frame

    Cutting the Wood

    Measure the space where you want to put the Murphy bed cabinet before beginning the job. Cut the plywood sheets to size based on the dimensions. You'll need four pieces of plywood for the cabinet's sides, top, and bottom. To make the cuts, use a table saw or a circular saw.

    Cut the 2x4s to size for the frame next. You'll need four parts and two pieces for the sides for the top and bottom. To make the cuts, use a miter saw or a circular saw.

    Assembling the Frame

    Begin by putting together the cabinet frame. To join the 2x4s, use wood glue and screws. Check that the corners are square and that the frame is level. Once the frame is complete, use wood screws to secure the plywood sheets to the frame.

    Attach the hinges to the cabinet frame's top next. These hinges will connect the bed frame to the cabinet. Check that the hinges are level and adequately fastened to the frame.

    Finally, screw the legs to the cabinet's bottom. These legs will support the cabinet and bed frame. Check that the legs are level and adequately fastened to the cabinet.

    After completing the cabinet frame, you can build the bed frame and attach the hardware.

    Section 5: Installing the Bed Frame and Mechanism

    Attaching the Bed Frame

    Check that the cabinet and the wall are levels before attaching the bed frame. This will also guarantee that the bed frame is level. Once you've established that everything is level, use wood screws to secure the bed frame to the cabinet. To secure the screws in place, use a drill and a driver bit.

    Then, connect the bed frame to the wall using a stud finder to identify the studs. Drill pilot holes into the studs when you've identified them, and then fasten the bed frame to the wall using wood screws. Before fastening the bed frame to the wall, use a level to confirm that it is straight.

    Installing the Mechanism

    The mechanism is responsible for the bed's ability to fold up and down. Begin by bolting and nuts the mechanism to the bed frame. Make sure you thoroughly follow the manufacturer's directions.

    Next, use wood screws to secure the mechanism to the cabinet. Again, make sure to follow the manufacturer's directions thoroughly.

    Once the mechanism is installed, test it to ensure it is operational. Fold the bed up and down multiple times to guarantee stability and security. If you encounter any problems, refer to the manufacturer's instructions or seek the advice of a specialist.

    Finally, use wood screws to secure the mattress support to the bed frame. Before installing the mattress, ensure the mattress support is level and secure.

    Section 6: Finishing Touches

    Adding Trim and Molding

    Trim and molding may make your Murphy bed cabinet look polished and professional. Choose a style that suits your room's design and cut the trim and molding to size with a saw. Use wood glue and finish nails to secure it to the cabinet. Before painting or staining, fill any nail holes with wood filler and sand the surface flat.

    Painting or Staining

    The final stage in the construction process is to paint or stain your Murphy bed cabinet. Ensure the surface is clean and clear of dust and dirt before you begin. Start with a primer layer and let it dry thoroughly if you're painting. Then, in thin, even layers, apply your chosen paint color. When staining, apply the stain with a brush or cloth along the direction of the wood grain. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before wiping away any excess with a clean towel. Allow the stain to cure fully before applying a protective transparent layer of polyurethane.

    Remember that the final touches are what will distinguish your Murphy bed cabinet. To make a beautiful and valuable piece of furniture, take your time and pay attention to the details.

    Consider Prebuilt Options

    Save Time and Headaches

    Building a Murphy cabinet bed from scratch can be a challenging and time-consuming project, even for experienced DIYers. If you need more time or need more time or need the necessary skills or tools, consider purchasing a prebuilt Murphy bed cabinet instead. This can save you many headaches and ensure a high-quality, professionally-made product that meets your needs.

    Murphy bed cabinets are available in several designs, sizes, and materials, so you will find one that matches your space and décor. Some models also offer built-in storage items like shelves and drawers, which may help you save space and keep your bedroom tidy.

    Popular Options From Archic Furniture

    Archic Furniture is a well-known retailer of prebuilt Murphy bed cabinets with a reputation for high-quality materials and craftsmanship. They have a variety of designs and sizes available, ranging from basic and modern to more traditional and elaborate. Among their most popular selections are:

    • Night and Day Furniture Queen Murphy Cabinet Bed Cube Complete: The best home space-saving option. This unique piece of furniture combines a comfy queen-size bed with a fully functioning cabinet for storing all of your linens, pillows, and blankets. With its simple mechanism, you can fold and unfold the bed without difficulty, making it ideal for compact flats, guest rooms, or home offices.
    • Arason Creden-ZzZ Coffee/Espresso Murphy Cabinet Bed Full/Queen: A fashionable and functional addition to any living area. This queen-sized cabinet bed emits a clean and contemporary aesthetic that is ideal for modern homes and businesses, thanks to its rich roasted brown finish on Poplar veneer and brushed aluminum bar hardware.
    • Night and Day Furniture Siesta Desk Murphy Cabinet Bed CompleteThe Siesta Desk Murphy Cabinet Bed also has a desk that folds down when you need it, giving you a comfy office that can be quickly stowed away when you're through. The Siesta Desk Murphy Cabinet Bed is the ideal complement to any house, thanks to its sturdy construction and modern style.

    Archic Furniture offers the top cabinet beds from the best brands in the industry. Shop our cabinet bed collection today to explore more from top brands like Arason, Night and Day Furniture, and more.


    Building a Murphy bed cabinet may be fun and rewarding for any DIY enthusiast. With the right tools, materials, and instructions, you can create a practical and stylish piece of furniture that saves space and adds value to your home.

    Remember to take your time and follow the steps thoroughly. Measure twice, cut once, then double-check as you go. If you run into any problems, feel free to ask for assistance or advice from experienced builders.

    Using high-quality materials and paying attention to detail, you can create a Murphy bed cabinet that will endure for years. The completed result will be a lovely and practical addition to any space, whether you create it for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member.

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