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Murphy Bed in Cabinet

Have you ever found yourself struggling with limited space in your home or apartment and wishing for a smart solution to accommodate overnight guests? Murphy beds in cabinets might just be the perfect answer to your space-saving needs. Stylish, practical, and comfortable, these integrated beds in cabinets offer a variety of options to transform any room into a comfortable sleeping area without compromising on design and aesthetics.

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Murphy bed cabinets come in several different types, each tailored to suit your needs and preferences. These beds seamlessly blend into your home decor, offering ample storage solutions and mattress options to ensure a great night's sleep. They also prioritize ease of use and safety features, making them a preferred alternative to traditional Murphy beds for many homeowners.

Key Takeaways

  • Murphy beds in cabinets offer space-saving solutions while maintaining style and aesthetics.
  • These beds provide ample storage options and mattress choices for optimal comfort.
  • Ease of use and safety features make them an ideal choice compared to traditional Murphy beds.

Types of Murphy Beds in Cabinets

Have you ever wondered about the different styles of Murphy beds available for optimizing space in your home? Let's explore two popular types of Murphy beds in cabinets: Traditional Murphy Bed and Murphy Cabinet Bed. These space-saving solutions come in various sizes including king, queen, full, and twin.

Traditional Murphy Bed

The traditional Murphy bed, also known as a wall bed, is a bed that folds up into the wall when not in use. These beds come in various sizes such as king, queen, full, and twin. One of the main advantages of a traditional Murphy bed is the amount of space it saves when it's not in use. By folding up into the wall, it essentially disappears from the room, leaving more space for other furniture items or everyday activities.

Traditional Murphy beds typically have a metal frame that attaches to the wall, providing support when the bed is in use. With a variety of styles available, traditional Murphy beds can easily blend into the decor of any room.

Murphy Cabinet Bed

A Murphy cabinet bed is a more recent innovation that combines the space-saving benefits of a Murphy bed with the functionality of a cabinet. When closed, the bed resembles a regular cabinet, often featuring shelves or drawers for additional storage. Like traditional wall beds, cabinet beds come in various sizes including king, queen, full, and twin.

Arason is a popular brand known for its Murphy cabinet beds. These beds are designed to seamlessly integrate into the existing decor of a room. The cabinets can be customized to match other furniture items, creating a unified look.

In summary, both traditional Murphy beds and Murphy cabinet beds provide space-saving solutions for small apartments, studios, or guest rooms. Traditional Murphy beds blend seamlessly with the walls, while cabinet beds offer additional storage and can serve as an eye-catching piece of furniture. It's up to personal preference and specific needs to choose the right Murphy bed to maximize space and style in your home.

Design and Aesthetics

When it comes to choosing the perfect Murphy bed for your home, design and aesthetics are important factors to consider. In this section, we will discuss wood choices and alternative materials, giving you a better understanding of the options available.

Wood Choices

One of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether to go for a bed made of solid wood or one made with plywood. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so let's break them down:

  • Solid Wood: This option is sturdy, durable, and can be more visually appealing. It also makes for a heavier bed, which could limit wall mounting options. Solid wood is often more expensive than plywood but offers a higher quality, timeless look.

  • Plywood: This choice is lighter, more affordable, and easier to install. Plywood may not have the same aesthetic appeal as solid wood but is still an excellent option for those looking for a practical, cost-effective solution.

In terms of specific wood types, you might consider classic options like oak, maple, cherry, or walnut. Each wood species has distinct characteristics and can be stained or painted to match your room's décor.

Alternative Materials

While wood is a popular choice for Murphy beds, alternative materials are also available to create unique, stylish designs. Some of these options include:

  • Laminate: Offering a wide variety of colors, patterns, and textures, laminate is a budget-friendly option that can emulate the look of wood or even stone. It is resistant to scratches, and moisture, and is easier to clean than real wood.

  • Metal: A metal frame can provide a sleek, modern look for your bed. Metal frames are strong, durable, and lightweight, making them an excellent choice for a wall-mounted bed. However, they may not provide the same warmth as wood in terms of beauty and visual appeal.

As you can see, choosing the right material for your Murphy bed involves a balance between aesthetics, functionality, and budget. Take your time to explore the options, and you'll find the perfect bed to blend seamlessly with your home's design.

Space-Saving and Storage Solutions

Are you struggling with limited space in your home? Looking for a practical solution to accommodate overnight guests while maximizing storage? Allow us to introduce you to the concept of Murphy bed cabinets. These innovative space-saving solutions combine functionality and style, providing you with extra sleeping space and additional storage. In this section, we'll discuss the storage space available in cabinet beds and how their compact and easy-to-move design helps you make the most of your living space.

Storage Space in Cabinet Beds

Murphy bed cabinets are not just about saving space; they also offer extra storage solutions. Many cabinet beds come with built-in drawers, shelves, or compartments that allow you to store your belongings in an organized and efficient way. This additional storage space can help you keep your room clutter-free and maximize every inch of your home.

The benefits of incorporating storage directly into the cabinet bed are twofold. First, it reduces the need for additional furniture, such as dressers or storage units. Second, it allows for more customizable options, allowing you to tailor the design to your specific needs and preferences.

Compact and Easy to Move

Cabinet beds are incredibly compact and easy to move, making this type of Murphy bed an excellent choice for smaller spaces, apartments, or even multi-purpose rooms. When not in use, the bed folds neatly into the cabinet, taking up less room and maintaining a clean, uncluttered appearance.

The easy-to-move design of most Murphy bed cabinets is often attributed to the use of lightweight yet durable materials, as well as features such as wheels or casters. This allows for greater flexibility in rearranging your space, or even moving the cabinet bed to another room or location altogether.

We hope that by now, you have a better understanding of how Murphy bed cabinets can help save space and offer additional storage in your home. Incorporating a cabinet bed into your living space can provide a comfortable, compact, and stylish solution, delivering both practical sleeping accommodations and clever storage options.

Mattress and Comfort Options

Are you wondering how to choose the best mattress and bedding for your Murphy bed? We understand that finding the right combination for personal comfort is crucial. In this section, we'll guide you through various options to ensure your Murphy bed feels as cozy as possible.

Mattress Types

There are a few different types of mattresses that work well with Murphy beds. Memory foam mattresses are a popular choice due to their ability to mold the body, offering personalized support and comfort. Some quality options include the Nectar Original and the Layla Memory Foam mattresses. If you prefer a hybrid design, combining both foam and innerspring qualities, the Brooklyn Bedding Signature Hybrid could be an excellent choice.

Considerations for Murphy bed mattresses:

  • Thickness: Murphy beds typically require mattresses ranging from 8 to 12 inches thick.
  • Weight: Ensure the mattress does not exceed the weight limit of your Murphy bed mechanism.
  • Flexibility: If your Murphy bed uses a tri-fold mattress, make sure the mattress is flexible enough to fold and unfold without causing damage.

Bedding Choices

Once you have chosen a suitable mattress, it's time to add sheets, pillows, and comforters to enhance your comfort.

Sheets: Look for sheets that fit your mattress size and thickness. Opt for materials like cotton or linen that are breathable and gentle on the skin. Make sure the sheets have deep pockets and elastic edges, so they stay in place when the bed is folded and unfolded.

Pillows: Pillows are essential for supporting your head and neck during sleep. Choose pillows with the right thickness and firmness according to your preferred sleeping position (side, back, or stomach).

Comforters: A comfortable and stylish comforter can make your bed feel cozy. Consider a medium-weight comforter that can be easily folded and stored when not in use. Alternatives such as duvets with removable covers are also a practical choice, as they can be removed and washed without the need to launder the entire comforter.

By carefully selecting the mattress and bedding for your Murphy bed, you can create a comfortable sleeping environment that suits your personal preferences. Keep in mind the specific requirements of your Murphy bed mechanism, as well as your own comfort needs, and enjoy a restful night's sleep in your space-saving bed.

Ease of Use and Safety Features

Have you ever wondered how easy it might be to use a Murphy bed in a cabinet and the safety features that come with it? Let's dive in and explore these aspects together.

Opening and Closing Mechanisms

When it comes to using a Murphy bed in a cabinet, the opening and closing mechanisms play a crucial role in ease of use. High-quality Murphy beds typically feature either spring or piston mechanisms. Springs require more effort to operate and might need regular adjustments, while pistons provide a smoother, more user-friendly experience due to their hydraulic lift technology. These mechanisms make it easy for us to open and close the bed without exerting too much force, and they also have built-in legs that automatically extend and retract, providing additional support when in use.

Concerning convenience, many modern Murphy beds offer multiple orientation options, such as vertical or horizontal, allowing us to choose what best suits our space and preferences. Some even come with built-in desks or shelves for added functionality.

Safety Precautions

When it comes to safety, durability and high-quality materials are essential. We can ensure the bed's longevity and minimize the risk of accidents by investing in a well-made product. There are some safety features we should be aware of to prevent accidents and maintain safe operation.

  • Proper Installation: Having our Murphy bed professionally installed is a significant step toward safety, as experienced installers can ensure it is securely fastened to the wall and functioning correctly.
  • Safety Locks: Many Murphy beds come equipped with safety locks that prevent unintentional opening or closing. This feature is particularly beneficial if we have children, as it minimizes the risk of accidents.
  • Mattress Compatibility: It is crucial to use a compatible mattress designed for your specific Murphy bed model. Following the manufacturer's recommendations on mattress thickness (usually under 12 inches) and weight limitations can contribute to safer use and prevent potential hazards.

In conclusion, Murphy beds in cabinets can offer a balance of ease of use and safety features that cater to our needs. By investing in high-quality products with efficient mechanisms and taking the necessary safety precautions, we can enjoy the benefits of a space-saving, versatile sleeping solution.

Comparison to Traditional Murphy Beds

Differences in Space and Storage

Are you thinking about optimizing your living space with a clever and stylish furniture solution? It's important to consider the differences between traditional Murphy beds and those designed with cabinets. Traditional Murphy beds, also known as wall beds, are mounted directly onto a wall and fold up when not in use, taking advantage of vertical space. Cabinet Murphy beds, on the other hand, look like an ordinary cabinet when closed and function like a discrete piece of furniture, blending seamlessly into the room's décor.

Traditional Murphy beds often offer additional storage options, such as built-in shelves or cabinets, while cabinet beds typically provide limited storage due to their compact design. However, cabinet beds are more portable and easier to transfer when moving to another location. This can make them a favorable option for renters or those who value flexibility.

Pros and Cons

Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of both types of Murphy beds to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of traditional Murphy beds:

  • Save space by folding it up against the wall when not in use.
  • Can integrate into various room styles with customizable designs.
  • Additional storage options, such as shelves or cabinets, can be incorporated.

Cons of traditional Murphy beds:

  • May require professional installation, especially for wall-mounted units.
  • Usually need a larger room or sufficient wall space to accommodate.
  • Less portable compared to cabinet beds.

Pros of cabinet beds:

  • Blends seamlessly with room décor, appearing as a regular piece of furniture when closed.
  • Easier to move and transport due to its stand-alone design.
  • Can accommodate rooms with lower ceiling heights or limited wall space.

Cons of cabinet beds:

  • Typically offers limited built-in storage compared to traditional Murphy beds.
  • May have a smaller sleeping surface due to its compact dimensions.
  • Not as customizable in design.

Considering the pros and cons, your choice between a traditional Murphy bed and a cabinet bed will depend on factors such as space, storage needs, design preferences, and the need for portability. Take some time to evaluate your priorities before making the decision that best suits your lifestyle and home.

Ideal Applications and Settings

Are you looking for practical and space-saving solutions to accommodate guests or maximize your living space? Murphy beds in cabinets are perfect for various settings, providing additional sleeping areas without compromising style or room functionality. Let's explore some ideal applications and settings where Murphy bed cabinets can be highly beneficial.

Guest Bedrooms

Creating a comfortable guest bedroom can be challenging, especially when space is limited. Incorporating a Murphy bed in a cabinet is an excellent solution for guest bedrooms, as it allows for additional sleeping space when needed without occupying a significant area when not in use. With a variety of styles available, you can easily find a design that matches your room's aesthetic and complements your existing decor. Furthermore, these beds often come with built-in storage options, allowing for a more organized and clutter-free space.

Dorm Rooms

Dorm rooms are notorious for their limited space, making it difficult to arrange furniture in a way that maximizes both storage and functionality. A Murphy bed in a cabinet can be a game changer for dorm living. These space-saving solutions not only provide a comfortable sleeping area but also free up valuable floor space when folded away. Students can then utilize this space for studying, socializing, or other daily activities. Additionally, some Murphy bed models include built-in desks or shelving, providing extra storage and workspaces for students.

By implementing a Murphy bed in a cabinet, you can create a versatile and efficient living space in both guest bedrooms and dorm rooms. These stylish and practical solutions are perfect for accommodating additional sleeping areas while maximizing overall room functionality.

Popular Brands and Manufacturers

Are you looking for a space-saving and stylish solution to accommodate overnight guests? Murphy cabinet beds might be just what you need. In this section, we will discuss two popular brands that manufacture high-quality murphy cabinet beds: Night and Day and Arason.

Night and Day

Night and Day Furniture is a reputable company known for its high-quality and functional cabinet beds. Their murphy cabinet beds are designed with convenience and practicality in mind, ensuring that users get the most out of their small spaces.

The company offers a variety of murphy cabinet bed models, each featuring a unique design and style. Many of their cabinet beds come with built-in storage, allowing you to declutter your room while providing a comfortable sleeping space for your guests. In addition, their products are made from solid hardwood, ensuring durability and support.

Some benefits of choosing Night and Day Furniture murphy cabinet beds include:

  • Wide range of stylish and functional designs
  • Solid hardwood construction for durability and support
  • Built-in storage options for added convenience


Arason is another popular choice for those in search of affordable and well-crafted murphy cabinet beds. Their line of cabinet beds is designed with quality and affordability in mind, making them an ideal option for individuals on a budget. Arason's murphy cabinet beds also come with built-in storage, ensuring that you can keep your space neat and organized.

In addition to Atlantic Furniture, Arason is well-known for their commitment to customer service, guaranteeing satisfaction and support to its customers. Their cabinet beds are crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring that you receive a long-lasting and comfortable sleeping solution.

Benefits of choosing Arason murphy cabinet beds include:

  • Affordable pricing, making them accessible for various budgets
  • Quality construction that is both durable and comfortable
  • Excellent customer service and support

In conclusion, Night and Day and Arason are two reputable brands that offer well-designed and high-quality murphy cabinet beds. These options are perfect for individuals looking to maximize their available space, provide comfortable sleeping options for guests, and add style to their homes.


In this article, we have explored the benefits and functions of Murphy beds in cabinets. We hope that the information provided has given you a clear understanding of how these space-saving solutions can enhance your living space while maintaining a comfortable and convenient sleeping option. From ease of use to versatility in design and mattress options, Murphy beds in cabinets are a valuable investment for anyone looking to maximize their living area source.

We also discussed different types of cabinet beds and their unique features, which cater to various preferences and needs. The variety of design options allows you to choose a style that complements your décor and personal taste source.

Moreover, for those who are hands-on and have a do-it-yourself spirit, we've touched on the possibility of building your own Murphy bed using a cabinet bed plan source. This option allows you to further customize the bed to your specific requirements and preferences.

As we move forward, remember the importance of carefully considering your space and furniture requirements when making decisions about your living arrangements. Whether you choose to purchase a Murphy bed in a cabinet or build your own, the space-saving and versatile features enhance your home and lifestyle. Happy furnishing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are cabinet Murphy beds easy to install and operate?

Cabinet Murphy beds are designed for easy installation and operation. Most beds can be opened in 30 seconds or less, depending on the manufacturer and model. The installation process varies based on the specific model, but step-by-step instructions are commonly provided to ensure a smooth setup. Once installed, operating a cabinet Murphy bed involves simply pulling on the handle and lowering the bed into position.

Which mattress sizes do Murphy bed cabinets accommodate?

Murphy bed cabinets come in various sizes to accommodate different mattress sizes. You can find options for twin, full, and queen-sized mattresses, ensuring a suitable option for your specific needs.

Are there any weight restrictions for Murphy bed cabinets?

Weight restrictions for Murphy bed cabinets can vary depending on the model and manufacturer. It's essential to check the specifications of the particular bed you're interested in to determine the maximum weight capacity. Typically, these beds can support anywhere from 200 to 500 pounds.

What are the space requirements for a Murphy bed in a cabinet?

The space requirements for a cabinet Murphy bed depend on the model and the size of the mattress. When the bed is closed, the cabinet typically has a depth of around 18 to 24 inches, and the width can range from 45 to 65 inches. When opened, the bed will need to have sufficient space to accommodate the full length of the mattress. Make sure to measure your room and the bed you are interested in to ensure a proper fit.

What materials and finishes are typically used for cabinet Murphy beds?

Cabinet Murphy beds are made from various materials, including wood and metal. Wood is the most common, as it offers a wide range of finishes and styles to match your interior design. Some popular wood finishes include oak, maple, cherry, and mahogany. Metal beds are often designed with sleek lines and a contemporary look, suitable for modern spaces.

Do cabinet Murphy beds require professional installation?

While many cabinet Murphy bed models come with comprehensive installation instructions, it's essential to consider your comfort level and expertise before attempting a self-installation. If you're not confident in your ability to install it correctly, it's recommended to seek professional installation services to ensure the bed is safe and secure. Some manufacturers and retailers may even offer home delivery and installation services for your convenience.